Monday, April 20, 2009

My flash card experiments

CK convention has come and gone. Oh, what fun. I can't wait to get started on that small Winter book I got from The Paper Loft. Been playing around with flash card designs. Aside from scrapbooking, my second love is playing around with graphic software. Totally love Microsoft Publisher and my PChugware. I don't think I'll be able to upload pics from Publisher. Not a program that's recognized by, or intended to interface easily with other programs. The elements that make Publisher so fun to use, are the very same elements that can be a royal P A I N to transfer elsewhere.

Looking forward to this weekend. Sorry to see Scott and Darla move to Missouri, but I remember how excited I wanted all my fam and friends to be for us when we set out on our cross-country move from Michigan to Arizona. Everyone needs a dream to follow, and I wish them well. It will be fun to ride with them this weekend. Hope Al can bring the quads down from the cabin so we can enjoy riding with everyone. We sure have had a TON of fun and laughs with Scott and Darla. Wish Missouri weren't so far away.

Nope- tried uploading the flash card - no can do. Will have to print them out, scan and upload. Later, blog

Friday, April 10, 2009

Giving it one MORE try

I can't believe I'm doing this - It's past my bedtime - but I can't leave well enough alone. I've got to try if it takes me all dang night to get that stupid pink fuzzy giraffe picture on here. HA! I know it's spelled right now - I googled it and looked it up. Here goes nothing - I'm going to attempt to insert a picture right here. Right under these words. If all you see is a paragraph - I'll have to spend the rest of my time cleaning up the mess from my temper trantrum. It wouldn't be so bad you know if I could just delete this blog and start a new one with another site. But no - once you sign up for a blog - at least do yourself a favor and choose a name you don't really care about. That way if you want to sign up somewhere else, you're not stuck using some bogus dumb name that means nothing to you or anyone else. All right - here goes.

Oops - there it is at the top. I don't care if it was outside really - as long as I can see the dang thing. Now see? Wasn't that worth it? Piece of cake. NOW I blog.

I hate this blog template

I've just been trying to add a simple friggin' picture.
Anyone else:
Add image - click
Browe: click
Upload: click
View (whatever): click
short, sweet gasp of Ah HA! There it is, in all it's humble glory
Adding a photo on this blog:
Search and find "How to" (looks simple enough)
Go to post: Click
Find the little picture icon: Click
Browse: Click
Upload: click. click, click, click (it's not doing anything)
Go back to "How to"
Reread instructions
"I did that - it's not working"
Go BACK to post: click
Little picture icon: Click
Browse: Click
Upload: Click, click, click click CLICK CLICK dammit to hell CLICK =
"Humm -what's this? (I agree to terms) click
new window: Ah ha - there it is.
View Blog: click.
"Where is the photo - it's not here - it's not FRIGGIN' here"
Back to HOW TO
Nothing. Nothing at all. It's suppose to magically appear. I suppose for everyone on this dieing planet this works. Works for everybody else but me.
Come ON people - I have one stinking night a week to play with stuff like this.
I've already spend 3/4's of it just trying to post a lame picture of my stinking ribbon's out the BUTT, baby album with the stinking rotten dumb looking
idiotic pink fuzzy girrafe on it.
WHAT THE - - - -???
It's time for bed already.
I guess I'm not a blogger afterall

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Yes! I finally got to finish it

At last - I finally got Sugar and Spice baby album done and posted. I've had the idea for this book for so long - just didn't have time to set aside to work on it. I'm very pleased with it, I think I spent as much time figuring out how to use the Bind-It-All I got for Christmas to bind the book than I spent putting it together. It took 3 experienced scrapbookers one entire evening, and 6 ruined rings before we figured it out. It's not difficult - it's just something that's apparently hard to explain in words. Kind of like rubbing your tummy and patting your head at the same time. You reach a point somewhere you're tempted to just punch round holes and use rings. But I'm glad we stuck with it. Thanks Jen for finally figuring it out! Now that I'm starting on the boys album, I'm sure I'll totally forget what we all learned that night and I'll need help again!!!

Got my new store set up on over the weekend. What fun. I like it WAY more than Etsy in a lot of ways. Etsy's too big now and unless you have TONS of time to devote keeping your face "out there", you're lost in the crowd.
My new store is:
See all the pages in detail on:

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

You just never know what's in a day

With so many people out of work, losing their jobs, unemployment benefits running out, we're beginning to see the first waves of the new "homeless". Tent cities will be popping up in unexpected places - like in your neighborhood, or perhaps even in the vacant lot next door to you. We may be added to the list someday. Growing up in the '50's, we just expected to grow old, retire and join the seemingly endless train of RV'ers. Times have changed. That is a thing of the past. The end of an era in American life that probably will never be again. We never expected to be spending however long remains of our days here on earth feeding and clothing the hungry, or standing in a line ourselves. The day of blame is past. Anger, frustration, wanting to lash out, wanting to hang on, looking for any means possible of "escape". I'm beginning rather to see this as any other natural disaster that has struck, and what was once a driving force of fear and uncertainty, has been replaced with compassion and a desire to help. We (Christ's church) need to join together, pool our resources and help feed, clothe, and shelter the homeless. It's a new wave that is coming. Lord, show me how we can help.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

What's the meaning of it?

What a great weekend. Danielle came from Michigan to visit and Alyssa Celebrated her 4th "dirday" at Bounce U. Oh - and I got new glasses - finally. Learned how to play a new game called Apples to Apples Danielle introduced us to. FUN word association game. Beginning to learn the true meaning of what it means to follow the Lord. It's not about me, it's not about what He can do for me through answered prayer - it's truly about laying yourself aside, and presenting yourself as one who serves. The gifts we have been given are not meant to bless ourselves, they're to be used to help others. That's what all of this relationship is about - helping others to the glory of God. Lord - help me to apply what I've been learning in my life. Amen.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I Blog

I love the old Bill Murray movie "What About Bob". It's a light-hearted movie about the strange relationship between a trying-to-create-a-name-for-himself psychiatrist (Bob Newhart) and his eccentric child-like patient, Bill Murray. I don't know why but that movie instantly came to mind as I finally made the move to join the masses of "BLOGGERS" out there. I learned to crawl, took my baby steps (no pun intended) and now - - I blog. Like I have TIME to blog. {I should be doing my work as I write this.} But according to those under the age of 30 - if you don't blog - you're wasting your life and obviously have nothing meaningful to imprint upon our society. WHATEVER. (oops - did I just date myself there?) I mean what's the hype over blogging anyway? Isn't it simply an on-screen diary that you obviously don't care if anyone reads? Perhaps it's the name that bothers me. I hate that word "Blog" and "Bloggers". Sounds too much like Clog and Cloggers. Dumb name for a cool thing to try. Now... if I can only find this again after I hit "Publish Post".